Department teachers' participation in vyshyvanka physical exercise "Thanks Armed Forces of Ukraine "(2024)
Department teachers Professor O.Z. Yaremchuk, MD S.R. Pidruchna, Associate Professor М.І. Kulitska Associate Professor О.І. Ostrivka, Associate Professor Т.Ya. Yaroshenko, Associate Professor А.Ye. Mudra, Assistant Professor І.А. Bandas, Assistant Professor L.M. Palytsia and curators groups excursion to I.Y.Horbachevsky garden museum (2023)
Associate Professor О.І. Ostrivka together with medical students (2022)
prof. M. Korda reading online lectures (2021)
Department team (from left to right): MD S.R. Pidruchna, Associate Professor Т.Ya. Yaroshenko, Assistant Professor I.V. Birchenko, Laboratory Technician N. Ye. Nastroha, Laboratory Technician L.S. Kalinovska, Associate Professor O.Z. Yaremchuk, Associate Professor О.І. Ostrivka, Senior Lecturer H.H. Shershun, Associate Professor P.H. Lykhatskyy, Associate Professor М.І. Kulitska, Prof. М.М. Korda, Associate Professor І.P. Kuzmak, Associate Professor А.Ye. Mudra, Assistant Professor І.А. Bandas, Assistant Professor O.A. Skobeieva, Assistant Professor N.Ya. Letnyak, Associate Professor N.А. Vasylyshyn, Assistant Professor O.S. Tokarskyy (2021)
Supervision Associate Professor Т.Ya. Yaroshenko conducting research by students of a scientific group (2020)
Assistant Professor L.M. Palytsia on the spectrophotometer conducts research (2020)
Department team (from left to right): Associate Professor P.H. Lykhatskyy, Associate Professor М.І. Kulitska, Associate Professor Т.Ya. Yaroshenko, Associate Professor O.Z. Yaremchuk, Associate Professor А.Ye. Mudra, Associate Professor І.P. Kuzmak, MD S.R. Pidruchna, Assistant Professor O.A. Skobeieva, Assistant Professor І.А. Bandas, Associate Professor N.А. Vasylyshyn, Associate Professor О.І. Ostrivka, Assistant Professor N.Ya. Letnyak, Assistant Professor O.S. Tokarskyy (2020)
Assistant Professor І.А. Bandas with curator students group (2019)
Students Lukyanenko M., Toporovich M. (2019)
Department team (from left to right): Associate Professor О.Z. Yaremchuk, Assistant Professor L.M. Palytsya, Associate Professor М.І. Kulitska, Associate Professor P.H. Lykhatskyy, MD S.R. Pidruchna, Laboratory Technician L.S. Kalinovska , Senior Lecturer H.H. Shershun , Prof. М.М. Korda, Associate Professor О.І. Ostrivka, Associate Professor А.Ye. Mudra, Associate Professor І.P. Kuzmak, Laboratory Technician N.Ya. Letnyak, Associate Professor N.А. Vasylyshyn, Assistant Professor І.А. Bandas, Associate Professor Т.Ya. Yaroshenko (2019)
Students during the learning educational material using the virtual program "Biochemical pathway of glycolysis" (2018)
Students of curators groups (2018)
Department team (from left to right): Associate Professor О.Z. Yaremchuk, Assistant Professor L.M. Palytsya, Associate Professor М.І. Kulitska, Associate Professor О.І. Ostrivka, Associate Professor P.H. Lykhatskyy, Associate Professor N.А. Vasylyshyn, Associate Professor І.P. Kuzmak, Assistant Professor І.А. Bandas, Associate Professor Т.Ya. Yaroshenko, Associate Professor А.Ye. Mudra (2018)
Group mentors and students during lectures (2016)
Department lecturers and students at Horbachevsky Readings seminar (2016)
Professor Ya.I. Honskyi delivering a speech at Horbachevsky Readings seminar (2016)
Associate Professor A.Ya. Mudra and international students at a training session (2016)
Associate Professor T.Ya.Yaroshenko during a practical part of the lesson (2016)
Associate Professor T.Ya.Yaroshenko discussing topical issues of Biologycal Biochemistry (2016)
Associate Professor I.P.Kuzmac and Assistant Professor L.M. Palytsia discussing topical issues of Biologycal Biochemistry (2016)
Department teachers celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Ternopil State Medical University (2017)
Meeting with the Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine R.S. Stoyko (2017)
Department staff at a methodical meeting (2012)
Department staff on the Name's Day (2007)
Department staff at a methodical meeting (2007)
Department team (bottom from left to right): Assistant Professor М.V. Chorna, Associate Professor S.R. Pidruchna, Professor Ya.І. Honskyi, Senior Laboratory Technician І.P. Kuzmak, Assistant Professor О.І. Ostrivka; (top from left to right): Assistant Professor І.R. Bekus, Assistant Professor S.О. Yastremska, Senior Lecturer L.М. Rubina, Associate Professor N.P. Saiuk, Senior Lecturer H.H. Shershun, Associate Professor Ye.B. Dmukhalska, Senior Laboratory Technician L.М. Lutska, Senior Lecturer P.І. Trendovatskyi (2005)